Interstate 395 Connecticut / Massachusetts

Interstate 395 Connecticut
Interstate 395 Massachusetts


Interstate 395 is a lengthy route that leads north from I-95 in southeastern Connecticut to I-90 (Massachusetts Turnpike) and I-290 at Auburn, Massachusetts. The mostly rural freeway follows a portion of the Connecticut Turnpike, extending the former toll road north from I-95 to its eastern spur (unsigned Route 695) to U.S. 6 in the town of Killingly. The remainder of the route in Connecticut replaced Route 52.

As Interstate 395 north ends in Auburn, I-290 east begins. Ramps connect the shared terminus with U.S. 20 (Washington Street) and an access road to the Mass Pike. Coinciding with a sign replacement project along the entire route of I-395 in Connecticut, all exit numbers were renumbered to use a mileage based system in 2015. This was the first freeway in the state to drop sequential based exit numbers.


Planning for the eventual Interstate 395 began as a new route for Massachusetts Route 12 in 1965. Redesignated Route 52 in 1967, work on the freeway began in 1965 at Interstate 90, with completion of the route between Webster southward to the state line by 1968. Building of the road by Eddy Pond however caused problems because of environmental concerns, delaying completion of the freeway in Massachusetts portion to 1977.1

The Governor William O’Neil of Connecticut on August 30, 1982 and Governor Edward King of Massachusetts on October 5, 1982 requested Secretary of Transportation Andrew Lewis, Jr. to grant Interstate designation for Multi State Route 52 between I-95 at the town of Waterford and I-90/290 in the town of Auburn under the provision of 123 U.S.C. 139(a). Both states provided certification that Route 52 met the basic engineering standards for the Interstate system.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) concurred with this assessment and determined that Route 52 was a logical addition to the Interstate System in a letter dated April 18, 1983. The route description in Connecticut was as follows:

I-290 from a junction with FAI Route 95 in East Lyme north to the Massachusetts State line in Thompson.

The assignment of I-290 to MSR 52 was subject to concurrence of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Subsequent correspondence with the FHWA and the two states surrounded the choice of Interstate 290 as the designation. The State of Massachusetts indicated

that such a number would be misleading since it indicates a closed loop off I-90 under AASHTO guidelines.

A two digit number was discussed, but FHWA was not receptive at first to one being used:

I-99 may be the only available two digit number which substantially meets AASHTO guidelines, but its use would require renumbering Connecticut 99 which traverses six towns in this state and is of considerable length. Connecticut would not accept this number.

While I-395 would normally describe a spur connecting with I-95, in balance it appears to be the best choice of the available numbers. There are several instances where a 3 digit number beginning with an odd digit is used to designate an interstate routing of considerable length. I-195 in Massachusetts and Rhode Island is one nearby example.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation formally requested the establishment of Interstate 395 for Route 52 to AASHTO in a letter dated May 5, 1983. The applications from Connecticut and Massachusetts were both approved by AASHTO on June 21, 1983. The Massachusetts request further added

The addition of this route as [an] Interstate will eliminate confusion and will facilitate travel movement decisions for the public.

Route Information

  • North End – Auburn, MA

  • South End – Waterford, CT

  • Mileage – 66.60


Connecticut – 54.69

  • Cities – Norwich

  • JunctionsI-95

Massachusetts – 11.91

  • Cities – none

  • JunctionsI-90 I-290

Source: December 31, 2021 Interstate Route Log and Finders List

I-395 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)

Connecticut Turnpike Map - 1957

The Connecticut Turnpike under construction from U.S. 1 at East Lyme to U.S. 6 at South Killingly in 1957.

MSR 52 - New London, CT to Worcester, MA - 1968

1968 map showing Route 52 overlaying the Connecticut Turnpike and construction for the freeway extending the multi state route north into Webster, Massachusetts.

North End I-90 I-290 – Worcester, Massachusetts

I-395 North at I-90 Mass Pike I-290

I-395 north at I-90/290 - Auburn, MA

Advancing north to the cloverleaf interchange (Exit 11) with U.S. 20 (Washington Street), through traffic continuing north onto I-290 east is advised to move to the left lane to avoid weaving traffic. 03/23/23

I-395 north at I-90/290 - Auburn, MA

I-395 passes between Prospect Hill and Eddy Pond north on the mile leading to Exit 12 for the Massachusetts Turnpike and Route 12 (Southbridge Street). 03/23/23

I-395 north at I-90/290 - Auburn, MA

Exit 11 B departs I-395 north for U.S. 20 (Washington Street) just ahead of Exit 12. U.S. 20 parallels I-90 (Mass Pike) east into Boston and west to Springfield and West Stockbridge. 03/23/23

I-395 north at I-90/290 - Auburn, MA

End signs for I-395 stand at the wye interchange connecting I-90 (Mass Pike) and Route 12 with Interstate 290 east. 03/23/23

I-395 north at I-90/290 - Auburn, MA

Exit 12 loops away from the beginning of I-290 eastbound onto Route 12 (Southbridge) south to the Massachusetts Turnpike. 03/23/23

I-290/395 at I-90 (Mass Pike)/Route 12 - Auburn, MA

Route 12 combines with U.S. 20 through West Auburn west from the access road linking I-290/395 with the Massachusetts Turnpike. 03/23/23

I-290 West at I-90 Mass Pike I-395

I-290 west at I-90/395 - 2013

Interstate 290 westbound at the Swanson Road overpass near Stoneville. Succeeding exit ramps depart in 1.25 miles for Oxford Street to Route 12 (Southbridge Street) and the Mass Pike access road to I-90. Photo by H.B. Elkins (06/01/13).

I-290 west at I-90/395 - Auburn, MA

Route 12 parallels Interstate 290 southward from Downtown Worcester to Auburn and U.S. 20. The state route switches sides with I-290 at the transition into I-395. 03/23/23

I-290 west at I-90/395 - 2013

A pair of signs preceded the designation change from I-290 westbound to I-395 south ahead of the Mass Pike over crossing. Photo by H.B. Elkins (06/01/13).

I-290 west at I-90/Route 12 - Auburn, MA

Following the Mass Pike access road from I-290/395, traffic partitions with a loop ramp to Route 12 (Southbridge Street) in Auburn. I-395 heads south to Oxford and Webster. 03/23/23

I-290 west at I-90/Route 12 - Auburn, MA

The access road linking I-290/395 with the Mass Pike connects with Route 12 before turning north to a trumpet interchange with Interstate 90. Photo by H.B. Elkins (06/01/13).

I-90 Mass Pike East at I-290 I-395

I-90/Mass Pike east at I-290/395/Route 12 - Auburn, MA

Interstate 90 (Massachusetts Turnpike) enters the town of Auburn ahead of Exit 90 to Route 12 (Southbridge Street), I-290 east and I-395 south. 03/27/23

I-90/Mass Pike east at I-290/395/Route 12 - Auburn, MA

I-90 (Mass Pike) crosses West Street and Dark Brook Reservoir on the mile leading to Exit 90 for I-290 east, I-395 south and Route 12 (Southbridge Street). 03/27/23

I-90/Mass Pike east at I-290/395/Route 12 - Auburn, MA

The ramp system at Exit 90 initially links with Route 12 (Southbridge Street) before separating into connections with I-395 south at the cloverleaf interchange with U.S. 20 and I-290 east ahead of Auburn Mall. 03/27/23

I-90/Mass Pike east at I-290/395/Route 12 - Auburn, MA

Interstate 290 does not directly meet I-90 (Mass Pike). The urban loop heads north to Worcester and east to I-495 at Marlborough. 03/27/23

I-90/Mass Pike at I-295/390 - Auburn, MA

Route 12 (Southbridge Street) lines along a commercial strip west to connect with U.S. 20 ahead of West Auburn, Charlton and Sturbridge. Photo by Doug Kerr (11/20/11).

I-90 Mass Pike West at I-290 I-395

I-90/Mass Pike west at I-290/395 - Auburn, MA

U.S. 20 switches sides with Interstate 90 (Mass Pike) on the south side of Worcester. The toll road advances two miles west from the crossing to Exit 90 with I-290 east, I-395 south, and Route 12. 06/28/05

I-90/Mass Pike west at I-290/395 - Auburn, MA

Interstate 90 (Mass Pike) crosses over Route 12 (Southbridge Street) and I-290 ahead of Exit 90. I-290 travels north through Worcester while I-395 extends south to Oxford. 06/28/05

North End Throwback

I-90 east at I-290/395/Route 12 - 2011

New London, Connecticut was added in place of Auburn on sign replacements made for I-290/395 at Exit 90. Photo by Doug Kerr (11/20/11).

I-90 east at I-290/395/Route 12 - 2011

A fourth lane along the Mass Pike eastbound opens for I-290 east and I-395 south at Dark Brook Reservoir. Photo by Doug Kerr (11/20/11).

South End I-95 – Waterford, Connecticut

I-95 North at I-395

I-95 north at I-395 - East Lyme, CT

The first overhead posted for Interstate 395 precedes the diamond interchange (Exit 75) with U.S. 1 (Boston Post Road). U.S. 1 crosses I-95 at Golden Spur en route to Waterbury and New London. 03/23/23

I-95 north at I-395 - East Lyme, CT

Interstate 395 commences north via Left Exit 76 en route to Norwich and Plainfield. The Gov. John Davis Lodge (Connecticut) Turnpike designation extends northward on I-395 to South Killingly and the unsigned Connecticut Route 695 spur east to U.S. 6 at the Rhode Island state line. 03/23/23

I-95 north at I-395 - East Lyme, CT

I-395 branches northeast at a wye interchange (Exit 76) as Interstate 95 turns east to cross the Thames River between New London and Groton in 5.6 miles. 03/23/23

I-95 north at I-395 - East Lyme, CT

I-395 reaches Norwich in 16 miles, Plainfield in 28 miles and Putnam in 46 miles. Interstate 95 travels east 60 miles to Providence, Rhode Island. 03/23/23

I-95 South at I-395

I-95 south at Route 85 - Waterford, CT

There is no direct access from I-95 (Governor John Lodge Turnpike) south to I-395 north. Route 85 (Hartford Turnpike) branches 2.5 miles northwest from I-95 at Exit 82 to the first interchange along I-395 in the town of Waterford. 03/27/23


  1. Interstate 395 (Massachusetts).

Page updated April 3, 2023.